Donations and Voluntering
Interested in helping maintan the most miles of trails in the State of Michigan?
Get involved today!
How can you get involved?
Come to a board meeting, become a member, volunteer at a club event, help with a membership mailing, come help clean machines, clean the shop, update the website, organize and update landowner information, organize parts and tools at the shop, ride the trail and help with signing or brushing…..The list goes on and on. If you have time to volunteer and help, we can find someway to help the club.
Donations are always welome to help offset the costs not covered by the DNR reimburesment process. Donations can be made at any of the following ways:
- By mail to Keweenaw Snowmobile Club P.O. Box 87 Calumet, MI 49913
- In person at M&M Motorsports, Trailside Lodge, or the groomer barn in Mohawk.
- At many businesses across the Keweenaw with a Keweenaw Snowmobile Club Donation Box
- Online in the link at the side of the page